Litujeme, ale pro toto hledání nemůžeme najít konkrétní kurzy. Zkuste dát vyhledat přidružené téma.
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Umění obchodního řemesla
Co se naučíte
Po absolvování tohoto tréninku budete schopni vést obchodní jednání, jako řízený, nikoli nahodilý proces.
Poznáte a dostanete příležitost postupným zlepšováním prohlubovat klíčové kompetence, nutné pro úspěšné zvládání tohoto úctyhodného poslání, čímž obchodní řemeslo bez okolků je.
Získáte sebevědomí a silnou pozici pro Vaši obchodní činnost.
Posunete své výsledky na vyšší úroveň.
Stres a vyhoření
Co se naučíte
Přínosem tohoto online tréninku je lepší zvládání každodenních situací nejen v práci, ale například, jako rodič.
Zvládnutím a pochopením psychosomatických dopadů na náš život se vyhnete předčasným civilizačním chorobám, které Vás mohou omezit nebo vyřadit z Vašeho běžného života.
Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less
Co se naučíte
Use your single trusted system to collect and manage your tasks
Prioritize effectively to make sure you're working on the right things, at the right time
Plan your daily, weekly, and long-term work & goals to save time and reduce stress
Use single-tasking, time blocking, documentation and breaks to more effectively focus on the job
Angular – The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)
Co se naučíte
Develop modern, complex, responsive and scalable web applications with Angular 11
Fully understand the architecture behind an Angular application and how to use it
Use the gained, deep understanding of the Angular fundamentals to quickly establish yourself as a frontend developer
Create single-page applications with one of the most modern JavaScript frameworks out there
Consulting Approach to Problem Solving
Co se naučíte
You will understand and appreciate the problem solving technique used by the top consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG, Bain and Strategy
At the same time you will get acquainted with how business and consulting projects ought to be structured
You will master the basic knowledge on hypothesis-based problem solving that will let you proceed to more advanced courses on solving business problems
In effect, you will be able to impress either your boss or your interlocutors at business case interviews
The Business Intelligence Analyst Course 2020
Co se naučíte
Understand the fundamentals of database theory
Use SQL to create, design, and manipulate SQL databases
Extract data from a database writing your own queries
Create powerful professional visualizations in Tableau
Combine SQL and Tableau to visualize data from the source
Solve real-world business analysis tasks in SQL and Tableau
Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the Job
Co se naučíte
Understand how to obtain relevant experience to set up for a transition to Product Management
Build a portfolio that will assist in a hiring application
How to self-brand online and build a following pre-hire
What to look for in Product Management jobs and what to ignore
How to apply insider tips and tricks to getting hired as a Product Manager
Craft a resume that appeals to a hiring manager for Product Management placement
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Explained
Co se naučíte
Your understanding will be complete
Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
Ready to go on to further
More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.
Learn Algebra The Easy Way!
Co se naučíte
Learn the probability and basic techniques of data analysis and inference.
Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts.
Essential Digital Tools for Student Engagement
Co se naučíte
Become a highly engaging trainer for corporate training
Become an effective learning designer for the 21st century classroom